

Possibility spaces for a sustainable urban food system.

FeedINN  gets the transition processes in the food space Innsbruck going by creating concrete meeting and action spaces. The aim is to anchor sustainable food planning for the city of Innsbruck through "multi-level governance".

Concrete activities are: Networking and support of committed actors, creation of structures for sustainable food planning, support of exemplary cooperation projects for sustainable resource use and awareness raising.

Identifying, networking and supporting actors for sustainable urban food planning

Experimental field 1: Establish the Innsbruck market hall as a central node. Based on two concrete current challenges (waste reduction and youth nutrition education), the current management and market management are supported in this process!

Experimental field 2: Turning one of the last large agricultural open spaces in the city into a social-ecological showcase project with integration, educational and ecological value: a world field and an ecologically managed intercultural community garden are supported in their development.


Funding amount 110.000 Euro

Project duration : March 2021 - August 2022


This project is funded by the “Klimaund Energie Fonds” and is carried out within the framework of the "Energy Transition" programme..

11 March 2021 Online kick-off for stakeholders and interested parties: For two hours, the extended project team together with the advisors of the Climate and Energy Fund dealt intensively with the starting project and prepared application contents for implementation. Afterwards, interested stakeholders were able to find out more about the project and explore points of contact for the first time.

Project presentation during the information hour

17 March 2021 Inspection of the Kettenbrücke site: For the first time, all those involved in the implementation of the new use planned there for the world field and community garden met and concretely discussed the area and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead there. Present were: FeedINN project, representatives of the Sisters of Mercy Kettenbrücke, representatives of the mayor's office, feld:schafft, Netzwerkstelle Gemeinschaftsgärten Tirol.

-Interviews were conducted with stakeholders of the Innsbruck food system from production, administration, civil society, food industry. This provides deeper insights into challenges, opportunities and limits - output: Analysis of a sustainable food system and food space Innsbruck + Preparation and exploration of topics for the stakeholder workshops.

-Discussions were held with tenants in the market hall to arrive at visions for a more sustainable market hall and to look for concrete approaches to waste reduction.

The workshop: „Food as a field of action for sustainable and climate-neutral urban development in Innsbruck - dialogue, networking, strengthening" was successfully held on 29 September at the Innsbruck City Library. 37 people were present to learn about the results of the stakeholder interviews and to exchange ideas in small groups. At three thematic tables, there were intensive discussions on where the journey for sustainable food planning can continue in each case. For the topics "urban community catering" and "urban gardening", it was possible to build on past discussions and projects, and stakeholders with years of experience went straight into the in-depth discussion. The aim of the "Urban-rural relations for sustainable food systems" topic table was much more exploratory, as there is hardly any experience in this area in Innsbruck. Together with experts, the topic and the concrete possible approaches were outlined.
Here the presentation of the results of the stakeholder interviews
Here the documentation of the workshop
Here is a short interim status of the projects

Pilot education programme Project days "Ernährung findet Stadt" of our project partner feld:schafft in close cooperation with FeedINN. Two school classes of an NMS spent 5 days each dealing with the topic of sustainable nutrition.
Here is a short project report

Presentation of the FeedINN project at a workshop event of the Austrian Federal Environmental Agency "Sustainable Nutrition in the Alpine Region" on 10.11.2021

- Planning is underway for a first season of the World Acre in 2022 by our partner organisation die feld:schafft.

Planning of action days for waste reduction in the Markthalle Innsbruck on 18 and 19.3: "Less is worth more! Going sustainable with the Markthalle Innsbruck".Colourful programme on waste and waste reduction in the food sector, from proper storage and hygiene to leftover cooking and proper waste separation, introduction of a guide for refilling customer containers brought in,

- Further networking of educational actors (cooperation within the framework of the World Acre)

Support of contract work and communication strategy for the World Acre

– Planning and financing of further implementations of the project days " „Ernährung findet Stadt" involving the World Acre, the Innsbruck Market Hall and the MOST project. The educational programme thus also connects the individual project parts and creates a longer- term basis for schools to engage in sustainable nutrition in the district beyond the project days (through cooperation with the MOST project and the City of Innsbruck).
